Monday 9 August 2010

Christians and divorce. The Rools.

According to this 'ere book I have here written by a Christian ; there are only two valid reasons for divorce and one is 'porneia' or marital unfaithfulness. However you *should* forgive and aim to reconcile even in that case. The other reason is if one is an 'unbeliever' and seeks to leave the marriage, the believer is not then 'bound' by his covenant as formerly.
Covenant and convenience.
This opened my eyes as it turns out I saw marriage as a covenant and He saw it as a convenience, like, Okay *until* or *unless* but I saw it as 'I swore to stay together no matter what'.
Other things will indicate the likelihood of divorce.Namely the answers to these questions:-
Do you feel happy in the marriage? Is there a more desirable alternative? and lastly 'Does everyone else seem to be encouraging divorce?'
Reconciliation is only possible if both want to do it.
However some level of reconciliation and forgiveness must occur or you damage yourself and rmain bitter and twisted out of shape and cannot form new relationships.
So next step is to forgive the latest slap which is: I will not be present at the Family Occasion this weekend and my sons will be in the photos with the Girlfriend from Manc. Occasion is the 50th wedding anniversaryof the in- laws.
Got to say I feel seriously angry about thissun as I have done my utmost to keep the grandparents in the boys' life, while He has Not. Even to the extent he was in their town with C and *would not * drop him off for a visit. They live on the t'other side of the country please note.
Oh well I guess I must retain my chilly position on Moral High Ground even though it be freezing up here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh T, you could be writing this for me too. Its like a pparallel universe. In this somerset one you are a man in that Dorset one I am a women, if you follow me! I have to say to you though that the ghit's behaviour is not gender specific as my own ghit'ess did exactly the same (well not the porn sites - though there were explicite e-mails that can only be described as pronographic). She said that we 'didn't talk' and as you rightly say that's a two way thing.
    You're also right about the 'divorce' industry and not enough done to keep marriages working. There are no negative consequences anymore, apart from the harm done to the innocent (kids etc)so its all a bit of a free for all. Perhaps we should petition 'Dave' to clean it all up, its costing the tax payer millions.
